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5th Annual Women’s March in Santa Maria held on January 21st, 2023

On Saturday, January 21st, the Santa Maria Valley Women's March held its 5th annual rally and march. The March and Rally were held at Minami Park in Santa Maria and featured speakers, a march, and an Action Alley, showcasing local organizations that support the community.


PLEASE NOTE: House of Pride and Equality (HOPE) is the fiscal sponsor of the Women's March of Santa Maria Valley. Your receipt and an email confirmation will state that your donation went to HOPE, but all funds donated here will be allocated to the Women's March of Santa Maria Valley. Thank you for your donation!


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Getting There

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Our Story

Why we march

We march to advocate for all women everywhere. We are proud to be a part of a nationwide network of grassroots leaders, activists, and organizers who are resisting hate, rallying to stop the harm done to our most marginalized communities, and defending our human rights. 

In every major city, marchers join in solidarity during the third weekend of every January to advocate for the rights of women, people of color, folks with disabilities, immigrants, and LGBTQ+ people—to ensure healthcare, education, a healthy environment, and justice for all.

As the most populous city in Santa Barbara County, it is crucial for Santa Marians to join sister marches across the country to make our voices heard. 
We stand with all women, everywhere. We recognize that when one woman suffers, we all suffer. When one woman succeeds, we all succeed. It is not until every woman is free that we are all truly free, and that is why we continue to march. 


Women's March Logo



To promote and celebrate the empowerment of all women in the Santa Maria Valley.



We strive to protect women’s rights and all human rights. We work to protect the safety and health of all people through non-violent means. We work to unify the diverse peoples in our community as we move toward a positive and just future for all. We recognize that transformative changes are driven by grassroots actions and political activism. There won’t be true inclusion, freedom and peace without real equity for all.





We work to create a just and accessible society in which all women are free and able to care for

their families, however they’re formed, in a non-violent, safe, healthy and economically fair

environment without institutional and structural barriers.


Ending Violence

Women and girls deserve to live full and healthy lives, free of all forms of violence against their

bodies and minds.

Reproductive Rights

We believe in unfettered access to complete reproductive education and services for all women

without regard to income and location.



We affirmatively work to support, uplift, protect and expand the rights of our gay, lesbian, bi, queer,

trans and gender non-conforming family and friends. We recognize the right and power of LGBTQIA people to control their bodies and be free from gender norms, expectations and stereotypes.


Workers’ Rights

Women deserve pay equity with unfettered access to affordable childcare and healthcare, self and

family sick days, paid family leave and safe, healthy and sexual harassment-free work environments. 

We believe in an economy powered by equity, accountability, security and transparency for workers.

All workers, regardless of immigration status, retain the right to organize and be paid a living

wage and benefits.


Civil Rights

We believe that civil rights, voting rights, freedom of speech, freedom to worship without fear

of intimidation or harassment and the full protections of the U.S. Constitution for all residents

without regard to race, gender, age or disability are our birthright.


Disability Rights

We recognize that women with disabilities and deaf women face the same issues as all women.

We seek to remove all barriers to access, inclusion, independence and full enjoyment of life.


Immigrant Rights

Rooted in the promise of America, we believe that immigrants and refugees are protected by the

U.S. Constitution, regardless of status or country of origin.


   Environmental Justice

We assert that every person and community in our country has the absolute right to clean air, clean

water and a livable planet. We believe that our climate, our environment and our planet must be

protected. Our public lands, and other natural treasures must be preserved for future generations

and protected from corporate gain or greed.



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